
The shaders section of the configuration table allows you to load custom OpenGL shaders to further customize the appearance of various scene objects (mirrors, images, text).

This option is intended for more advanced users who are able to write shaders to do what they want. A tutorial on how to write OpenGL shaders is outside of the scope of this documentation (and I am not particularly qualified to write one anyway.)

Default values

local config = {
    shaders = {},

return config


The shaders table should contain a list of key-value pairs where each key is a string containing the name of the shader and the value is a table describing the shader's sources (fragment and/or vertex). For example:

local read_file = function(name)
    local home = os.getenv("HOME")

    local file = .. "/.config/waywall/" .. name, "r")
    local data = file:read("*a")

    return data

local config = {
    shaders = {
        ["pie_chart"] = {
            vertex = read_file("pie_chart.vert"),
            fragment = read_file("pie_chart.frag"),

return config

If either vertex or fragment is unspecified, they will default to the implementations provided by waywall's built-in "texcopy" shader. You can view the sources for the texcopy shader here.

Vertex format

The following attributes are provided to the vertex shader. You can use as many as you like, and leaving attributes unused is fine.

v_src_pos (vec2)

v_src_pos contains the pixel coordinate which should be sampled from the source texture.

v_dst_pos (vec2)

v_dst_pos contains the pixel coordinate at which the vertex is located.

v_src_rgba (vec4)

v_src_rgba contains the source color for the color-keying operation (if any). An alpha value of 0 signals that no color keying should happen.

v_dst_rgba (vec4)

v_dst_rgba contains the output color for the color-keying operation (if any).


The following uniforms are provided to the vertex shader:

u_src_size (vec2)

u_src_size contains the size of the source texture in pixels.

u_dst_size (vec2)

u_dst_size contains the size of the destination texture (waywall window) in pixels.


The following shaders perform color-keying to only accept the three main colors of the gameRenderer pie chart (orange for block entities, pink for entities, and green for unspecified):


attribute vec2 v_src_pos;
attribute vec2 v_dst_pos;

uniform vec2 u_src_size;
uniform vec2 u_dst_size;

varying vec2 f_src_pos;

void main() {
    gl_Position.x = 2.0 * (v_dst_pos.x / u_dst_size.x) - 1.0;
    gl_Position.y = 1.0 - 2.0 * (v_dst_pos.y / u_dst_size.y); = vec2(1.0);

    f_src_pos = v_src_pos / u_src_size;


precision highp float;

varying vec2 f_src_pos;

uniform sampler2D u_texture;

const float threshold = 0.01;
const vec3 pink = vec3(0.882, 0.271, 0.761); // #e145c2
const vec3 orange = vec3(0.914, 0.427, 0.302); // #e96d4d
const vec3 green = vec3(0.271, 0.796, 0.396); // #45cb65

void main() {
    vec4 color = texture2D(u_texture, f_src_pos);

    bool is_pink = all(lessThan(abs(color.rgb - pink), vec3(threshold)));
    bool is_orange = all(lessThan(abs(color.rgb - orange), vec3(threshold)));
    bool is_green = all(lessThan(abs(color.rgb - green), vec3(threshold)));

    if (is_pink || is_orange || is_green) {
        gl_FragColor = color;
    } else {
        gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);