
The input section of the configuration table allows you to configure how keyboard and mouse input is processed by waywall in a number of ways.

Default values

local config = {
    input = {
        -- XKB keymap options
        layout = "",
        model = "",
        rules = "",
        variant = "",
        options = "",

        -- key/button remappings
        remaps = {},

        -- key repeat
        repeat_rate = -1,
        repeat_delay = -1,

        -- mouse options
        sensitivity = 1.0,
        confine_pointer = false,

return config

Keymap configuration

waywall allows you to use a different keyboard layout from the rest of your Wayland session (e.g. for search crafting with different languages).

There are five options in the input table which can be used to configure which keymap is loaded by XKB:

layout, model, rules, variant, options

Unfortunately, detailed information on XKB configuration is outside the scope of this document. You can refer to the libxkbcommon documentation for more information. If installed, you can also refer to the standard database of XKB configuration rules, which is typically located at /usr/share/X11/xkb.

Input remapping

waywall allows you to remap keys and mouse buttons to one another in any fashion via the remaps table within the input table. Here are a few examples:

    ["MB4"] = "Home",   -- remap side button to Home
    ["X"] = "F3",       -- remap X to F3

Each key-value pair specifies a single remapping, where the key is the source input (button or key) and the value is the resulting output which gets sent to the game.

The list of all available keycodes and mouse buttons can be found in the Lookup Tables section.

Key repeat

waywall allows you to configure how key repeat works with the repeat_rate and repeat_delay options.

The repeat_rate option specifies how many times per second a keypress should be repeated while it is held down. This option is mostly useful for increasing the speed at which the F3+F key combination changes your render distance.

The repeat_delay option determines how long (in milliseconds) a key must be held down before it will start repeating.

By default, both options are set to a value of -1, which means they will use the same values as your main Wayland session.

If you use a short repeat_delay and set repeat_rate to more than 20 Hz, you may experience issues with switching hotbar slots. This is due to a bug in how the game handles certain keybinds and can be avoided by either using a longer repeat_delay or using a repeat_rate no greater than 20 Hz.

Mouse sensitivity

The sensitivity option applies a constant multiplier to your mouse motion while aiming with the camera ingame. The default value of 1.0 results in no change, while 2.0 would make it twice as fast and 0.5 would make it half as fast.

This option only affects your camera movement, not your mouse movement in menus. Additionally, it only takes effect when Raw Input is disabled ingame.

Pointer confinement

The confine_pointer option allows you to lock your mouse pointer to the waywall window. This can be useful if you have two monitors and accidentally flick your mouse to the side while in your inventory, which might otherwise cause you to focus a different window and lose time.